László Pál Csernai

Born in Ujpest (Budapest), Hungary, on 14 Sept. 1949
Married, two children
Hungarian and Norwegian dual citizen
 1968-73 R. Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary in Physics
 1970    Scholarship of the Hungarian People's Republic
 1971    A. Zhdanov State University, Leningrad (St. Petersburg), USSR
 1973 Masters (Dipl. Phys.) of the R. Eötvös University,
      Budapest, Hungary,  "With Honours"
 1976 Ph.D. (Dr.Rer.Nat.) of the R. Eötvös University,
      Budapest, Hungary, "summa cum laude" 
 1982 Habilitation (C.Sc.) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences 
 1988 Habilitation (Dr.Sc.) Higher degree of the Hungarian Acad. Sci. 
 2004 Dr. honoris causa, of the Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania

Scientific Career and Employment:

2019-   Prof. em. University of Bergen, Norway
2018-   Adjunct Fellow, Frankfurt Inst. for Advanced Studies, FfM Germany
2016-   Adjunct Professor of Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China
1988-19 Professor,  Physics Department,  University of Bergen,   Norway 
          -  Appointed by Olav V., King of Norway in 1987 
1974-11 Sci. Advisor (1988-) 
                  Central Research Inst. for Physics, Budapest, Hungary
2000-04 Sci. Director, Bergen Computational Physics Lab., 
			  EU Researech Infrastucture,  Bergen,   Norway
1987-01 Consultant, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, USA
1986-88 Assoc. Professor, NSCL, Michigan State Univ. E Lansing, MI, USA
1984-86 Assistant Professor (part time)  and
        Research Associate,    Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA
1973-74 Staff Physicist and Designer (for the Paks Nuclear Power Plant)
        Power Plant and Network Engineering Company,  Budapest, Hungary

Honours, Awards:

  1968  Prize IX on the National Competition in Mathematics, Hungary
  1978  Junior Prize of the Central Res. Inst. for Phys., Budapest 
  1978  Niveau Prize of the Hungarian Physical Review, (Fiz. Szemle)
  1979  Junior Prize of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  1980  Prize of the Zentralinst. für Kernforsch., Dresden, GDR
  1980  Alexander von Humboldt Res. Fellowship (2 years) Bonn, FRG
  1983  Jánossy Prize of the Cent. Res. Inst. for Phys., Budapest
  1989, 90, 91, 94, 97, 98, 00, 03, 05, 07, 09 
        Meltzer Grant of the University of Bergen
  1988  Invited NATO-ASI Lecturer, Dronten, The Netherlands
  1989  Invited NATO-ASI Lecturer, Peniscola, Spain
  1992  Invited NATO-ASI Lecturer, Il Ciocco, Italy
  1993  Invited NATO-ASI Lecturer, Bodrum, Turkey
  2003  Invited NATO-ASI Lecturer, Antalya, Turkey
  1997  Alexander von Humboldt Research Prize, Bonn, Germany
  1999  Elected Member of Academia Europaea, London 
  2003  Appoined as Member of the Section Committee for the Physics and
                               Engineering Section of Academia Europaea
  2004  Elected External Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  2004  Dr. honoris causa, Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj, Romania
  2004  A. v. Humboldt  Res. Award Re-invitation, Frankfurt, Germany
  2005  Elected Ordinary Member of the Norwegian Academy of Sciences
  2006  Chairman of the Physics  Engineering Sect. of Academia Europaea
  2007  Elected Ordinary Member of the Norwegian Academy of 
					   Technological Sciences, NTVA
  2009  A. v. Humboldt  Res. Award Re-invitation, Frankfurt, Germany
  2010  Honorary Member of the Hungarian Academy of Engineering

Scientific Organizing Activities - Long term assignments:

2009-15 Member of Nuclear Physics Division Board of European Physical Society
2008-12Member of Council of Academia Europaea
2007-11Member of ERC Evaluation Panel, PE2 - StG for Physics
2006-12Chairman of the Physics & Engineering Section of Academia Europaea
2001-05Member of EU FP5 and FP6 Evaluation Panels for Physics of the European Commission
1999-04Sci. Director of the Bergen Computational Physics Laboratory
1999-04Chairman of the Section for Theoretical and Computational Physics, SENTEF
2004-06Honorary editor of Acta Physica Hungarica A - Heavy Ion Physics
1995-03Associate editor of Acta Physica Hungarica NS - Heavy Ion Physics
1998-00Sci. Project Leader of the NFR CERN Theoretical Physics project
1995-98Associate Coordinator of the Nordic Project on Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, NORDITA, Copenhagen
1994-96Member of the NORDITA subcommittee for Nuclear and Hadron Physics Copenhagen
1996-97Member of the NuPECC Panel preparing the report "Nuclear Physics in Europe: Higlights and Opportunities" (Europe, 1997)
1996-98Deputy Chairman of the Section for Theoretical Physics (SENTEF)
1994-95Chairman of the Section for Theoretical Physics (SENTEF)
1991-93Co-chairman of the Center for Theoretical Physics - Bergen
1988-94Co-director of the Bergen-Oslo Nuclear Theory Team(BONTT)

TEACHING - Graduate students in the last years:

Espen Fr. Staubo, (1991) Ph.D. degree (dr. scient.) Bergen
Atilla E. Gunhan, (1994) Ph.D. degree (dr. polit.) Bergen
Eugeni Zabrodin, (1994) Ph.D. degree (dr. Philos.) Bergen
Zsolt I. Lazar , (1999) Ph.D. degree (dr. scient.) Bergen
Csaba Anderlik , (2001) Ph.D. degree (dr. scient.) Bergen
Volodymyr Magas , (2001) Ph.D. degree (dr. scient.) Bergen
Agnes Nyiri , (2005) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Karolis Tamosiunas, (2005) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Etele Molnar , (2006) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Jaakko Manninen, (2007) Ph.D. degree, Oulu, Finland
Yun Cheng, (2010) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Szabolcs Horvat, (2010) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Du-juan Wang, (2014) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Jesper Tveit, (2016) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Sindre Velle, (2017) Ph.D. degree, Bergen
Yilong Xie, (2017) Ph.D. degree, Bergen

Atilla E. Gunhan, (1991) Masters degree (cand. polit.) Bergen
Rune Lende, (1994) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Agnes Mocsy, (1996) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Zong H. Feng, (1996) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Zsolt Lazar, (1996) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Denes Molnar, (1997) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Volodymyr Magas, (1998) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Agnes Nyiri, (2001) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Karolis Tamosiunas, (2001) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Ann C. Gulbrandsen, (2003) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Oyvind H. Hansen, (2003) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Etele Molnar, (2003) M.Sc. degree (cand. scient.) Bergen
Andrea Anderlik, (2005) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Hermod Nitter, (2007) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Szabolcs Horvat, (2007) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Yun Cheng, (2007) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Bjoern Baeuchle, (2007) M.Sc. degree Frankfurt/M, Germany
Astrid Marie Skålvik, (2012) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Sindre Velle, (2013) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Erik Saether Hatlen, (2015) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Robert Clay Glastad, (2015) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Jonas H. Inderhaug, (2015) M.Sc. degree, Bergen
Susanne F. Spinnangr, (2017) M.Sc. degree, Bergen


Number of books written: 2

1: Introduction to Relativistic Kinetic Theory, L.P. Csernai and D.Strottman, Chapter 1 in: Relativistic Heavy Ion Physics, ed. by L.P. Csernai and D.D. Strottman, (World Scientific, 1991) Vol I, pp. 1-37.

2: Introduction to Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, L. Csernai, (John Wiley &Sons, 1994) ISBN-471-93420-8.

Number of books edited: 3

Number of invited talks and lectures at int. conferences and schools: 239

BIBLIOMETRIC DATA from ISI on Feb. 15, 2011:

Publications in Google Scholar database: 374
Citations in Google Scholar database: 8003
H-index in Google Scholar database: 44
H-index in Google Scholar database: 125

May 07, 2022