The Csernai Family


The Csernai Family

[Zoli]. [Andris]. [lc]

ÅM, B.Csaba, Ebeltoft, Trogir, Split - 2005

Lisbon, 2002

Gol, 2002

András received the Medal for the Best
10 Year Old Swimmer in Bergen, in 2001.

Zoltán (7) and Laci on excursion to Mjoelfjell, Oct. 2000.

András (8.5) and Zoltán (7) bowling in Bergen, 2000.

András (8) and Zoltán (6.5) in Bergen, Legoland and Gyoma - 1999.

My wife, Ágnes and two sons, András (4) and Zoltán (2.5) also in Minneapolis in 1995.

Last updated: Jan. 11, 2002: L.P. Csernai.
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