L. P. Csernai - Conference Talks - 2008
[c227-A.] [c227-B.] Hydrodynamical models in heavy ion collisons - invited lectures - L.P. Csernai - Summer School on Heavy ion Collisions 2008, L. Eötvös University, Budapest July 4-9, 2008 (unpublished).
[c228.] Collective flow analysis of heavy ion collisions with 3-dim ultra-relativistic hydro - talk - L.P. Csernai, Yun Cheng, S. Horvat, E. Molnar, V.K. Magas, D.D. Strottman, M. Zetenyi - Workshop on Heavy Ion Physics, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing, 12-16 October, 2008 - Unpublished
[c229.] "The Last Year Activity of the Physics and Engineering Section" - L.P. Csernai - contribution to the section meeting - Academia Europea 20th Annual Genaral Meeting "Promoting a Global Science Culture", 18-20 Sept. 2008, Liverpool, UK. (unpublished.)
[c231.] Hadronization and Freeze Out in Ultra-relativistic Collisions - invited plenary talk - L.P. Csernai, Yun Cheng, S. Horvat, V.K. Magas, E. Molnar, D.D. Strottman, M. Zetenyi, - International Symposium on Heavy Ion Physics 2008, GSI Darmstadt, 17-20 Nov. 2008 - Published electonically:\\ http://www.gsi.de/documents/DOC-2008-Nov-240-1.pdf
[c232.] LHC and matter of its extreme, relativistic heavy ion collisions, theoretical challanges - invited plenary talk - L.P. Csernai, Yun Cheng, Dan Strottman, M. Zetenyi - International Conference "From quarks to the nuclear many-body Problem", Oslo, May 21-24, 2008 - Unpublished
[c233.] V_1 Flow for Diagnosing Ultra-relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions - invited Plenary talk -- L.P. Csernai, Yun Cheng, S. Horvat, V.K. Magas, E. Molnar, D.D. Strottman, M. Zetenyi - VIII International Workshop on Relativistic Aspects of Nuclear Physics (RANP08), Rio de Janeiro 2-7 Nov. 2008 - published electronically: http://omnis.if.ufrj.br/~ranp/ranp/36 L. Csernai/A-Csernai-Rio-08-Talk.ppt
[c234.] Flow diagnostics of equilibrium and transport in QGP - invited talk - - L.P. Csernai, Yun Cheng, S. Horvat, V.K. Magas, E. Molnar, D.D. Strottman, M. Zetenyi - Hadron Physics I3 - Nuclear Physics Workshop, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy , Sept. 8-12, 2008 - published electronically: \\ http://www-subatech.in2p3.fr/European Network in Sardinia/Csernai.pdf
[c235.] Collective flow analysis with 3-dim ultra-relativistic hydro - invited plenary talk - L.P. Csernai, Yun Cheng, S. Horvat, V.K. Magas, E. Molnar, D.D. Strottman, M. Zetenyi - Int. Conf. on Strangeness in Quark Matter (SQM’2008) - Beijing, 6-10 October, 2008 - Published electronically and in press.
[c236.] "The Last Year Activity of the Physics and Engineering Section" - L.P. Csernai - contribution to the section meeting - Academia Europea 21sth Annual Genaral Meeting "Risk, Environment and Sustainable Development", 24-26 Sept. 2008, Naples, Italy. (unpublished.)